
Make sure you perform the preperation process before application.

Initial Application 

Ensure the component and the lubricant, are both in temperature above +16°C. This is crucial to provide enough energy for the active ingredients’ reaction with component’s material. This is only necessary during application and the bed-in period, after which Revolubes™ performs down to -40°C.

  • Revolubes™ should be applied to each, individual chain's link with the dropper provided in a "One link - One drop" manner; Preferably in the midpoint of chain's bottom run, between the cassette/free wheel and the chain ring, ensuring Revolube penetrates between the contact surfaces of the outer and inner plates, the roller and the inner plate, and further onto the pin.
  • Mind not to overdose. If you overfill the links, the excess will be pushed out during operation, further catching dirt and causing the chain to blacken. A gentle touch with the pippette will suffice.
  • After covering all the links, spin the crank backwards for about 30 rounds to allow Revolubes to penetrate further. Wipe off any excess with a cloth.
  • Control the chain’s operation during first ride, and if necessary (squeaking), apply more Revolubes™ where needed.  All chains will have their elements made with shape deviations within some tolerance, thus some sections may be working better than others.
  • After the layer has settled, the chain may appear dry. However, this is not a sign of lack of lubrication. 
  • If it is difficult, or not possible to maintain the temperature regime during the application and lapping period, consider  using a heat gun or its substitute to warm up the chain for application.

Rare, but possible side effects:


In some rare cases, after applying Revolubes™, a chain may get covered with an orange - red colour raid. This usually happens during winter, when a bike is left stationery for a while. The effect is most common for alloys, that contain plenty of iron but a small amount of manganese and chromium.

Salt coming from road salting, acts as catalysator for the chemical reaction, which performs faster and produces extensive amounts of iron-chloride molecules.

Iron chlorides are not rust (that is iron-oxides), although they might look similar, due to the red - orange colour. They do not cause chain’s jamming, seizing, or ageing.

The raid will disappear during couple of minutes of normal operation. You can find more information on iron chlorides under:

Maintenance and subsequent applications


  • Assuming that you ride around 300 miles a week, apply small top-ups of Revolubes™ Chain Lube once a week or when you observe the chain is getting noisier.
  • The re-application intervals may vary from chain to chain, depending on its material, quality and usage.
  • Use a solution of warm water and detergent (SLS soaps) for washing your drivetrain. Rinse with a garden hose or a pressure washer. Leave to dry and re-apply after.
  • If the bike is to be stored stationery after washing for a longer period of time, a top-up is advisory as it will push out any moisture from the links.